Pinch and a Punch for the ..

Happy Yuletide!

Christmas is a funny thing.  For one, it’s placement at the top of the Christian events calender is precarious, since it has such pagan roots.  In many circles December has significance, and for that we can take pause to reflect on how it has become such a great time for giving and receiving 😉
Christmas time in Australia is very different than from in the Northern Hemisphere.  For one, I don’t suspect that people living in Buffalo, New Yorlk would be considering a day at the beach as a holiday ritual.  It’s something close to heart though, for many seaside-dwelling families on the east coast of Australia.
It seems more and more each year that the big companies gear up to hopefully cash in on the Christmas purchasing frenzy.  Having said that, it’s at least a promising time to see new technical do-dads hit the market – like the Nintendo Wii – which comes with a Wii Wand.. Good for the wii little people?
What’s your most favourite Christmas memory?  Or, what’s your worst Christmas memory? 
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