What’s in a name? Last year through a series of unfortunate events I lost my foundation domain name – sanders technology [dot com] and was forced to register the dot net version instead. I’d held the dot com domain for over a decade and a half, and during that time […]
Domain Names
6 posts
This evening I was going through the filing cabinet trying to lighten our trove of paperwork when I came across this old domain renewal notice from my former registrar, Melbourne IT. Now, I suppose I had been lax in transferring the domain to a registrar with a more palatable pricing […]
Today marks a sad day, I’ve let two long-held domains expire. I’ve held one of these two domains for almost 13 years, since 1999 when I first registered the Business Name Sanders Technology (to which this site is still named). The two domains, rob.sanders.name and sanderstechnology.com.au became obsolete for my […]
I was recently reading an article about a phishing site which was uncovered recently. The site in question – "Bank of Switzerland" – bankofswissltd[DOT]com was undone by some suspicious discrepancies in their site’s WHOIS record. If you’re uncertain what a WHOIS record is, a decent analogy might be to compare […]
Businesses prepare for .branding campaign. International domain name regulator ICANN will next year introduce generic top-level domains (gTLD) beyond the familiar .com, .org and .net. The decision followed a majority vote at ICANN’s board meeting in Singapore this afternoon, despite concerns raised by its Governmental Advisory Committee. The board planned […]
Hi All, If you’ve ever been curious about Domain Names, it might be worth a look at the Domain Name Tracking website. It’s got some handy domain tools like WHOIS lookup, a URI parser, and a way to look up second and third level extensions by country. and a handy […]