IT in the Workplace: How does your work environment affect you?

We moved into a new house on Wednesday and, as usual, we have boxes galore spread throughout the house.
The consequence of this is pretty obvious: no (decent) internet, no phone line, no desk and no office.
For someone who predominantly works from home, this is as close to crisis point as you can get.  The only thing worse would be no power and no kitchen or bathroom.
How does a messy or discombobulated work environment affect your daily routine? 
Do you find it more difficult to concentrate and deliver quality work when you are operating in a subpar work environment, or are you the type of professional who can work anywhere?
Think about the consequence: no servers, no wireless.  A squeeky desk chair sitting opposite a fold out table built in the late 70s…with matching ergonomics.  No large screen monitor, no neat place to put paperwork.  Terribly adhoc.
At least there is light outside, and fresh food and water.  There is always an upside.
These days I think you have to be able to work just about anywhere, but where do you draw the line?  What is the most hostile or uncomfortable configuration you’d persisted in working in?  Leave a comment…

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