You might be unlucky enough to occasionally run into issues with a hard drive which has issues, and Windows will attempt to warn you via the System Log. However, as the issues are logged from a low level (below the UI level), the disk identifier can be a bit cryptic. […]
Free and Fun Stuff
27 posts
Hi All, I’ve decided to volunteer to put together some informal technical (or non-technical) presentations at work recently as a way of kicking the cobwebs off after the holiday break. As usual, I’ll probably make the slides and notes available here on the site, so I’d like to see what […]
Hi All. For those readers whom are Sydney based, there’s a free seminar on the upcoming changes to Australia’s privacy laws which come into effect next March. The free seminar is being held in the Sydney city next month, looks like it could be worth checking out. If you attend […]
In the past few months, the folks at DZone put a call out to their very talented and knowledgeable MVPs to volunteer to develop a comprehensive guide to current Cloud computing options. Today, I’m happy to write that the FREE guide is now available from Honestly, researching the right […]
Last month I submitted an App to the Windows App Store. The App, Sanders Technology Digest, is a Windows 8 App which uses articles from this site and provides full screen article views, content searches and better sharing support. The inaugural version (1.0) has now been published! Click here to […]
Hi All, At the end of January, 2013 the father of the World Wide Web – Tim Berners-Lee – is touring Melbourne, Sydney and Canberra. He is giving a number of free public presentations while he is in each city. This is an excellent (and financially extremely viable) opportunity to […]
It was a little while ago that I blogged about Richard Bank’s approach to revert the menu in Visual Studio 2012 back to the friendly and reliable sentence case style that we all know and love. Since then, Visual Studio 2012 has launched with the RTM version, moving out of […]
Follow me on Twitter @ausrob maybe? At 12:30pm today, with green band on my arm (and extra swag in the conference bag), a group of helicopter flight winners made our way to the side of the convention building to await the promised chopper. We were split into groups of five, […]
Just came across this – the entire Wolfenstein 3D (Chapters 1-3, there were 6 originally) which you can play in your browser. The game is complete with the original sound effects and music, plus the levels and secret passages you may or may not have loved. You can even keyboard […]
Quest Mode = On Today is April 1st, and (as always) it is April Fool’s Day. Google unleashed an awesome “Quest” mode on Google Maps, and for those who grew up in the 1980s this will appear quite familiar. King’s Quest time anyone?? I’ve lifted some screenshots of some interesting […]
‘Hunting the Rogues and Breaking the Internet: a new front in the online copyright enforcement battle’ Associate Professor Kimberlee Weatherall (Sydney) 2-3.30pm, Friday 30 March, 2012 Rogers Room, Woolley Building (A20), University of Sydney — see map: Abstract: The Internet Blackout in January 2012 saw thousands of websites ‘go […]
Not long ago, I posed a question to the Stack Overflow community – (is there a) “Good Visio Template (or alternative) for SOA/Distributed Systems?”. Surprisingly, there was only one response! Since then, I have been recently introduced to, of all things, a Java based tool called the ‘Quick Sequence Diagram […]
At times, especially if you own a small solid state drive, you find yourself needing to lighten the load on a hard drive (or portable drive). This can be a fairly mundane and time consuming process as you allow Windows (or alternatives) to rumble through your disk drive trying to […]
Following on from the controversy in April this year of software maker Red Gate’s baffling decision to rescind the gratis (free) nature of Lutz Roeder’s tremendously popular .Net CLR Decompiler, .Net Reflector (which Red Gate acquired in 2008), a number of projects have sprung up to fill the gap in […]