Hiya, all. Some new content for you. Phil Beadle (of DNN and Readify fame) yesterday introduced me to a video clip demonstrating how this thing is used and I must say, I’m a big fan. Note: I’m not a huge fan of WYSIWYG or drag and drop, but this […]
64 posts
Tomorrow is Anzac Day, so stay tuned for more posts from Thursday onwards. Windows Vista Ultimate Edition: DreamScene Ultimate Extra This review relates to the release preview edition, may not be applicable to the final edition. It’s a pretty neat idea, playing video files as desktop wallpaper, […]
Just when all your civil liberties are busy being stripped away comes free WinForms evaluation controls from Telerik and, if you act fast, complete this survey to perhaps win a free developer license. http://www.telerik.com/ – you need to register to download the evals Take this survey: http://surveys.telerik.com/Surveys/TakeSurvey.aspx?surveyid=1048 […]
MS Labs is a research arm of Microsoft. They’ve released a tech preview of some pretty exciting technology: http://labs.live.com/photosynth It’s pretty impressive stuff.. recommended for viewing on a broadband (fast) connection, for optimum viewing. You need to be running on Windows XP or Vista (though it will run on […]