Just a quick word to point out that the most recent version of the ADO.NET Entity Framework Feature Community Technology Preview 4 was released recently (on the 13th of July) and is worth a look if you are using the Entity Framework in any meaningful fashion. Check back soon, we’ll […]
Monthly archives: July 2010
7 posts
<Professor Farnsworth>Good news everyone</Professor Farnsworth> We’ve successfully migrated away from Live Spaces (well, almost) and are now nice and happy in the new home at Sanders Technology. There are still a bunch of links in the various articles which refer to the file storage at Live Spaces, and a few […]
As it turns out, the idea of filtering the Internet is hardly a new one. In the mid 90s, the CSIRO was asked to investigate the feasibility of filtering Australia’s Internet traffic. The final report is available for reading here. You may be surprised (or not) to learn that the […]
Well, we’re slowly getting a new home set up. Live Spaces has been a convenient, albeit very restrictive, home for the past four and a half years but it has proven to be just too damned restrictive. With the recent removal of the stats tab, and the fact we can’t […]
Well this is my first post to the new site from Live Writer. Hopefully, if all goes well, you will be reading this without any hassles. I’ve got to say that configuring IIS 6, PHP 5.2 and WordPress 3.0 has been a very time consuming and sometimes baffling process for […]
Hi There! As I mentioned in my “regular” blog – on live spaces – I’m going to be moving all that content over to this site. Please be patient, it’s going to be a lengthy migration I fear. Obviously this is a WordPress site, so I’m hoping to use all […]
It’s been a while since I last put together a decent post – apologies – I’ve been quite literally up to my neck in computer components, outfitting some new hardware. This has killed a lot of my free time while I research and consume the latest information on hardware. You’d […]