Hello all, After over four and a half years, I am leaving Raytheon Australia next Friday. I have been appointed as the Enterprise Architect for the Tasmanian Department of Health as a remote worker. I will be working from my home location and travelling to/from Tasmania as needs arise and […]
Personal Announcements
68 posts
It’s that time of the year once again! As everyone winds down the year, it’s a time to reflect, rejoice and prepare for yet another year. It’s been a somewhat turbulent time for me and although there have been struggles, life continues. 2016 brings new challenges with new possibilities, and […]
Hi All, I’ve decided to volunteer to put together some informal technical (or non-technical) presentations at work recently as a way of kicking the cobwebs off after the holiday break. As usual, I’ll probably make the slides and notes available here on the site, so I’d like to see what […]
Time for a quick timeout — It recently came to my attention that the Aussie Wine Guy app for Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 is doing a pretty decent trade. It’s ranked amongst the top apps in the competitive Food & Dining category in the Windows App Store. This is […]
An Announcement Recently I was on a bit of a writing spree, churning out new articles at an above average rate until I stopped just prior to the end of September. I haven’t run out of ideas.. hardly.. rather we welcomed some good news: What happened? My darling wife successfully […]
Hello Internet, This afternoon (Sunday, 30 September) at around 3pm I lost a black sunglass slip case containing my prescription spectacles somewhere between the Old Bus Depot Markets in Kingston (Wentworth avenue) and Kingston shops (Giles st and Green Square) in Canberra, ACT. The glasses in question are Ted Baker […]
So the official word was that the newly minted Windows 8 RTM build and Visual Studio 2012 would hit MSDN at some point on the 15th of August (possibly sometime in the US time zone). As of writing, still nothing has been published on MSDN Downloads. So to briefly divert […]
Hi All, A bit of an update: I’ve relocated to the magical capital, Canberra (my home town), as my wife and I are expecting our first child early in 2012. Regular blogging will resume once home Internet is connected! Cheers (and happy holidays), /R
Please accept my apologies for the lack of activity. We’ve recently relocated back into the heart of downtown Sydney, and it has taken several weeks to get re-established. We still don’t have Internet connectivity at home – but when we do, I’ll be posting numerous new posts, so check back […]
Hi Everyone, Well, after a long debate – and a longer hiatus whilst travelling the world – we decided to move back to Australia, ending our year long stint living in China. It was quite an experience, and we got to see many amazing sites, plus we were able to […]
Hi Everyone, We’ll be travelling back to Australia for about a week and a half from this Wednesday (24th of February), and we’ll be splitting time between Canberra and Sydney. Thursday, we’ll land in Sydney and then we’ll be in Canberra until Saturday. On late Saturday and Sunday, we’ll be […]
Well, as you read this entry, you find me at a career crossroads. I’m going to apologise in advance if I’m sounding a tad bit melancholy, but at this very moment I really can’t define what I’m looking for. One of the greatest deficiencies in the IT industry, in my […]
Hi There! This is an open letter advertising my services to large companies, predominantly using Microsoft technologies, who are outsourcing work to the China or Asian region. My wife and I are based currently in HangZhou, Zhejiang province, about 40 minutes from Shanghai. I’m primarily a data architect, however I […]
G’Day, Well, I realise that I had a little time off between the end of September and the start of October, but it wasn’t enough. Next week I’ll be away for almost three weeks which will bring us well into the holiday season. There are a few loose ends I […]
Well, it’s about time that I hurry along and take some well deserved R & R. I’ll be taking a break for the next two weeks starting on Monday (27/09/2010) and resuming starting October 11th. In the meantime, I cordially invite you to take a look around the site at […]