Hi There, So chances are if you’ve read my subsequent posts, you’ll get the feeling that I’m working with some legacy web service applications. You’d be right, and the challenge of Web Service Extensions (WSE) 3.0 is figuring out how to upgrade them to WCF (.NET 3.5/4.0) without harming the […]
Monthly archives: June 2011
8 posts
If you have a Windows Server 2008 installation of the Server Core, you might run into a few nasty surprises when it comes time to administer the nuts and bolts of the configuration. The reliance on GUI tools causes some pain from an administration perspective, and when you come to […]
Businesses prepare for .branding campaign. International domain name regulator ICANN will next year introduce generic top-level domains (gTLD) beyond the familiar .com, .org and .net. The decision followed a majority vote at ICANN’s board meeting in Singapore this afternoon, despite concerns raised by its Governmental Advisory Committee. The board planned […]
Sometimes, for various reasons, we come across projects or solutions we have to maintain to our chagrin. We have an application which runs on .NET 2.0 and can’t be upgraded to 3.5 or beyond. This application consumes web services published via the old ASMX services, and uses Web Service Extensions […]
For those who use a non-standard smartphone or PDA phone, it can be especially hard to determine the appropriate settings for your chosen carrier. In Australia, I have used Vodafone, Virgin Mobile (Optus) and SOUL/TPG (Optus) which varying levels of success. Recently, I managed to get my handset back onto […]
Should you have the misfortune of encountering MS Build warning MSB3268, you might be in for a world of hurt. That is exactly what has happened to me this fine day. The exact problem is: Microsoft.Common.targets(1360,9): warning MSB3268: The primary reference "<assembly reference>" could not be resolved because it has […]
Welcome to World IPv6 day, which is being held today, June 8th, 2011. Just what is World IPv6 day? Today industry leaders will switch parts of their infrastructure over from IPv4 to IPv6 in a move designed to increase awareness of the impending migration to the new protocol. Why now? […]
In case you hadn’t already heard, Microsoft have released a comprehensive set of new web development features and tools designed to enhance rapid web application development in the form of Web Matrix. Today’s article will focus on Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5 Express, which is a “light” version of Microsoft’s […]