World IPv6 Day is today


Welcome to World IPv6 day, which is being held today, June 8th, 2011.

Just what is World IPv6 day?  Today industry leaders will switch parts of their infrastructure over from IPv4 to IPv6 in a move designed to increase awareness of the impending migration to the new protocol.

Why now?  The existing IPv4 address pool is expected to be totally depleted either by the end of the year, or by the start of 2012 which will lead to a scenario where no new addresses or address blocks can be allocated.

The transition to IPv6 would enable the allocation of a far wider range of addresses, and the replacement of network address translation (thus, a greater array of functionality is available to a wider range of clients).

To find out more about the day, check out the overview and FAQ, which you can download from here:

World IPv6 Overview

World IPv6 FAQ

Additionally, you can visit the website:

For More Information

On the Web, visit:

On social media, look for:
#WorldIPv6Day or #IPv6Day

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