Hi Everyone, Well, it’s nearly the end of the year 2011, and hasn’t it been a doozy? I don’t know about you, but my year has been haywire, to say the least. I started the year living in China, moved back to Australia, set up in Sydney and then finished […]
Monthly archives: December 2011
7 posts
This is almost too cool for school – a Physicist at a university in Denmark has put together a scale replica of a part of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider – the ATLAS detector. Apparently it took him 81 hours to recreate a 1:50 scale model of the detector, using Lego […]
What is FILESTREAM? Much data is unstructured, such as text documents, images, and videos. This unstructured data is often stored outside the database, separate from its structured data. This separation can cause data management complexities. Or, if the data is associated with structured storage, the file streaming capabilities and performance […]
I’m introducing a new category now – “Tech Meme” – which is going to be used more frequently for short, pithy articles usually highlighting something absurd, such as the following: I was trying to install Server Virtualization templates for Visio, when I was prompted for PIA assemblies: In a funny […]
It’s been a tough week for me from a hardware and infrastructure perspective. Late Thursday night, I lost one of the two desktop machines I own which still functioned. It had been on its way out for a while in theory, since somehow the CPU fan docking clamps were broken […]
Hi Everyone, Well, I’ve been waiting three weeks for a DSL connection and it isn’t happening anytime soon. In the interim, I’ve finally had enough of waiting and went and picked up a Telstra 4G modem, and I’m back online. Sorry to those folks who added comment which were awaiting […]