‘Hunting the Rogues and Breaking the Internet: a new front in the online copyright enforcement battle’ Associate Professor Kimberlee Weatherall (Sydney) 2-3.30pm, Friday 30 March, 2012 Rogers Room, Woolley Building (A20), University of Sydney — see map: http://db.auth.usyd.edu.au/directories/map/building.stm?location=12E Abstract: The Internet Blackout in January 2012 saw thousands of websites ‘go […]
Monthly archives: March 2012
10 posts
I was recently reading an article about a phishing site which was uncovered recently. The site in question – "Bank of Switzerland" – bankofswissltd[DOT]com was undone by some suspicious discrepancies in their site’s WHOIS record. If you’re uncertain what a WHOIS record is, a decent analogy might be to compare […]
Author: John Hilvert Mar 23, 2012 http://www.itnews.com.au/News/294749,acta-treaty-mauled-in-hearings.aspx Power to rights holders is a reason not to ratify agreement, say critics. Academics have savaged the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) treaty over the power it affords intellectual property rights holders during a second round of joint committee hearings in Canberra. […]
Hi All, 31st March 2012 AUSTRALIAN NATIONWIDE MOBILE PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTO WALK & SYDNEY PHOTO WALK There’s a Google Australia photo walk 2012 this weekend, Saturday March 31st 2012 in most major cities. It’s a great opportunity to gather with fellow camera/photography enthusiasts and explore your city. There’s a good chance […]
Recently I bought a brand new Network Attached Storage (NAS) device, as I’ve wanted (for a while) to redo my approach to storage capacity and – more specifically – add some fault tolerance (by way of redundant disks). I did some research and looked in to a number of NAS […]
When we moved into our new residence last year, we were not quite prepared for the long, painful learning process which was coming our way. This was the first time we had lived in a property featuring a back-to-base alarm system; and therefore the first time to experience pain with […]
Came across this recently: “ExecutionEngineException occurs during Garbage Collection“ and the subsequent KB article on support.microsoft.com. Last year I was finding some random crashes in a couple of .Net 4.0 Windows Service Applications, and this might have been part of the problem. Right, so what does this mean? Basically there’s […]
Overshadowed, possibly, by the release of the new iPad? Not in the world of databases. Yesterday Microsoft officially released SQL Server 2012 “release to manufacturing” (RTM) which means we’re officially out of pre-release editions! Previously codenamed ‘Denali’, the new version brings to the table some serious changes, some of which […]
Recently Microsoft released a ‘Consumer Preview’ of their upcoming Windows 8 operating system. Today I downloaded a copy of the release and installed it into a virtual machine. What follows are screenshots of the installation process, and some notes about the OS once it has finished installation. Installation The setup […]