There’s a post up on Labor leader Bill Shorten’s site addressing Labor’s position in regards to the draft mandatory metadata retention legislation and specifically to recommendations included in the Parliamentary Joint Committee report, released late Friday. Honestly, it’s not very encouraging. I really think Labor should be outright blocking the […]
Copyright Matters
26 posts
Attorney-General George Brandis has faced criticism over a lack of consultation on his metadata legislation. Telecommunications and Internet industry groups have criticised what they describe as a lack of consultation from Attorney-General George Brandis on metadata legislation, as the bill’s future is set to be decided this week. The Parliamentary […]
NEWS RELEASE The Internet Society of Australia has urged its members and all interested parties to take advantage of the opportunity to comment on the draft Online Copyright Infringement Code released today. Following a period for public comment a finalised Code will be submitted in April for registration by the […]
via Maira Sutton, Global Policy Analyst, Electronic Frontier Foundation Electronic Frontier Foundation - Hi there, A lot has happened on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) front these past couple months. There was another major leak of a recent draft of the TPP’s Intellectual Property chapter that confirmed that many of […]
The following statement was issued by ISOC: Internet Society Expresses Concern over Impact of IntellectualProperty Rights Provisions in Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement(TPP) Draft 18 November 2013 The Internet Society is concerned that the global Internet may be harmed if countries adopt Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) provisions contained in the recently leaked […]
‘Hunting the Rogues and Breaking the Internet: a new front in the online copyright enforcement battle’ Associate Professor Kimberlee Weatherall (Sydney) 2-3.30pm, Friday 30 March, 2012 Rogers Room, Woolley Building (A20), University of Sydney — see map: Abstract: The Internet Blackout in January 2012 saw thousands of websites ‘go […]
Author: John Hilvert Mar 23, 2012,acta-treaty-mauled-in-hearings.aspx Power to rights holders is a reason not to ratify agreement, say critics. Academics have savaged the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) treaty over the power it affords intellectual property rights holders during a second round of joint committee hearings in Canberra. […]
Just recently I came across this enlightening piece from gizmodo [1], an op-ed from a British comedian who freely admits to consuming rich media services across a wide variety of sources (both legal and infringing). This is exactly the type of poor end consumer experience I’ve been bemoaning for years. […]
We’re a little unclear whether (Australian) Senator Conroy hasn’t been sniffing Liquid Ink (white out) between media engagements, take for example this great quote from the weekend: [1] "When you publish a list of titles of books that are banned, or movies that are banned, you don’t give access to […]
There’s been a whole lot more press on the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement since the leak earlier this week. The treaty, which has been debated amidst tight security remains officially undisclosed to any public forum. In light of the recent leak, there has been a very interesting opinion piece posted […]
I’m incredibly proud that someone with some integrity has had the guts to leak the entire text (including latest edits as of January 2010) of what seems to be a latter-stages revision of the not-quite-secret, but “smells bad to me” trade agreement, the ACTA. You can find a copy of […]
Although many people have said it before, we can now label Obama as nothing but a cheap suit. Taking to office with a huge mandate for change, we’ve seen nothing but a Kevin Rudd style all-talk-no-substance approach to governance, which recently culminated with this unsurprising speech backing the ACTA, MPAA […]
Some refreshingly good news for a change – news in that the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly against the controversial anti-copyright trade agreement (ACTA) today, 663-13. The agreement, being debated in strict secrecy has been previously discussed on this blog and what we know if its provisions is chillingly disturbing. Countries […]
Michael Geist (Canadian Copyright Guru) has published a summary of a document leaked [link] which contains the European Commission’s advance analysis of ACTA’s (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) Internet chapter which was recently discussed in Seoul, South Korea at the start of last month (November, 2009). Of particular note should be provisions […]
Those who have stumbled upon this blog before will be well aware of my hatred for what is brewing in the field of International copyright. The so-called “Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement” (ACTA – summary) is bad news and it’s coming to a country near you – and soon. The recent meeting […]