A few words

First and foremost, let me take the time to congratulate Readify’s own David Burela who is a member of this years winning team (in Australia) in the Imagine cup!
His team will go on to compete, representing Austgralia at the Imagine Cup world final in Paris later this year.  Excitement!  Sincere congratulations, I forsee big things for Mr. Burela who is originally from Tasmania, and came north for the high life (and found it).
In other news, the latest tech toy for your bedside table: a clock which also lets you surf the internet, for under USD $200 – check it out, it looks like a mini PDA with wireless.  Thanks go to Corneliu who pointed this one out on an internal mailing list.
Another observation courtesy of Readify Principal Consultant Richard Banks – Microsoft Research has released to CodePlex a new project called pex – not to be confused with the binary obfuscator ("PeX").  It’s a great tool for generating bounds checking for unit tests – I’ve seen it in action back in January and looks like it might have some potential.  Check out this blog entry for more info.
Finally, I’ve been through a period of rather bad health and stress lately.  I’m getting the medical attention I need (I suffer from a syndrome called ‘Restless Leg Syndrome’ which was diagnosed last year), and should be back to full strength soon.  Two weeks ago I developed a new symptom which has robbed me of meaningful sleep for close to fourteen days straight. 
Thanks to all those who have sent their condolences, I’m feeling a little bit better each day.

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