Farewell Queensland

It is with a sigh of relief that we are packing up our possessions and calling our “experiment” in Queensland officially over.  This should come as no surprise to anyone who knows us well, and who would also be aware that our time up in the Sunshine State over the past two years has been far from harmonious.

The past two years have been a rocky and, in some cases, disastrous time in which we have failed fairly miserably to connect with the local community,  It has also been rough going both personally and professionally for the both of us.

Although it is tempting to call the time spent here a complete write off; there have been some wins – notably by way of International travel (Europe), a new car (a 98 Mercedes SLK) and through the upgrading of our lounge room.  We have had great support from our interstate family and friends (you know who you are) and specifically from my friends Derek, Sylvain (best of luck in New York in 2010!) Deepak, Trish and Paul.

We are moving out next week and spending some time in New South Wales before heading overseas for the rest of 2010.  Check back for future blog posts, I’ll continue to blog wherever adventure takes us…

Looking ahead, I may be available for presentations, technical architecture and assorted professional consulting depending on the location and the fee – especially in the Asia-Pacific region.  If you are in China, Hong Kong, Japan or Singapore (including KL and Malaysia) and need some high caliber technical work (especially consults) please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

If you are interested in getting in touch with me you may reach me at rob.sanders@gmail.com (put “Blog” in the subject line).  I’m going to be roaming for a while, but this gives me excellent availability for short term work.

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