In light of Empire magazine’s compilation of their 50 greatest TV shows of all time article [1] it had me lament the loss of good, even great TV and its replacement (reality TV). I’ve previously remarked on this previously, however I’d like to address Empire’s list with my own views. […]
Monthly archives: May 2010
4 posts
Just recently I came across this enlightening piece from gizmodo [1], an op-ed from a British comedian who freely admits to consuming rich media services across a wide variety of sources (both legal and infringing). This is exactly the type of poor end consumer experience I’ve been bemoaning for years. […]
Hello there, I’d like to take a moment of your time and ask you whether you think this site violates any of the following criteria (leave a comment, if you could please): Disallowed site behavior The landing page must be available and reliably respond even at peak use times. The […]