Merry Christmas all! This year my kids unpacked an Anki Overdrive: Fast and the Furious race track and associated parts – all anticipated of course. What is Anki Overdrive? Anki: Supported Devices We celebrated the day at our new “offsite” location (holiday home) in a part of New South Wales […]
39 posts
Intro Those of you who have been following this site for a while will know that I have a certain proclivity towards engineering sometimes complex home theatre configurations. Naturally, as an Architect and Software Engineer (former life) I’m a huge fan of continual improvement – and my home theatre experience […]
Introduction As you’ll no doubt recall from my earlier 2012 article, I have a NAS in my home office. It is a Thecus N5200XXX 5-bay Network Attached Storage device, and it sits on my home gigabit network. The Thecus features an OS which accommodates pluggable “modules”, one of which is […]
To some an ‘Agile’ project means delivering value to a client or business more frequently than with other methodologies. This can be achieved, with the right people, the right sponsorship within the right organisation which is open to the concept. Other times, trying to run a successful Agile project will […]
Time for a little “off topic” content. Just after Christmas last year, I ponied up the cash to purchase a new turntable. The new equipment – made in England – is the Rega RP-1 and includes the RP-1 performance pack factory fitted, and I bought the “cool grey” finish. Because […]
I’m always a huge fan of the immersive gameplay experience, and the folks at Ubisoft are very, very good at it. Ubisoft are the name behind some of the most successful game franchises in recent memory, from Assassin’s Creed, Driver, Far Cry to the Tom Clancy series (Rainbow Six/Splinter Cell […]
As good technical people may tell you, a decent set of headphones can be the difference between a productive day and a really productive day behind the keyboard. Being able to zone into the task at hand is made so much easier by an immersive sound, and excellent acoustics. Over […]
Why hello gamers! Just had to write about these, frankly, awesome headsets which have just been released today. A friend and I have been waiting anxiously for over a month since we put our pre-orders in with EB Games last month at the Sydney gaming exhibition at Olympic Park. We […]
Just came across this – the entire Wolfenstein 3D (Chapters 1-3, there were 6 originally) which you can play in your browser. The game is complete with the original sound effects and music, plus the levels and secret passages you may or may not have loved. You can even keyboard […]
Quest Mode = On Today is April 1st, and (as always) it is April Fool’s Day. Google unleashed an awesome “Quest” mode on Google Maps, and for those who grew up in the 1980s this will appear quite familiar. King’s Quest time anyone?? I’ve lifted some screenshots of some interesting […]
In light of Empire magazine’s compilation of their 50 greatest TV shows of all time article [1] it had me lament the loss of good, even great TV and its replacement (reality TV). I’ve previously remarked on this previously, however I’d like to address Empire’s list with my own views. […]
December 10th, 2009: Under the rooftop of Brisbane’s Entertainment Centre last night, excited fans were treated to not one, but two excellent bands in one evening of power rock ballads and searing lyrics to rival the heat in South East Queensland. On the menu this evening, guaranteed […]
Well, as you might have known, a select few were lucky enough to see the new Star Trek film when it premiered world wide in April 2009. I was, in fact, one of those lucky few (you can read my entries for April to get a feel for what it […]
Well, I’ve landed back home on the beautiful Gold Coast in Queensland, and it is at this time I can continue my previous writing about the World Premiere at the Sydney Opera House of J.J. Abram’s new film “Star Trek”. This is Part 2: The Movie. Having described the surreal […]
Last night, the 7th of April, 2009, Paramount Pictures screened the world premiere of JJ Abram’s new Star Trek movie at the Sydney Opera House. As it happened, I was one of the lucky few who were able to purchase a limited release ticket to the red carpet event. The […]