Well hello there. Today I had a funny notion, wanting to determine just how long I’ve been writing technical blog articles. Don’t ask me why, I just became curious. So I had a look at my earliest entry – 17 October 2006. Well, you might think this is old enough […]
Monthly archives: April 2012
5 posts
Earlier this month some very useful guidance documentation was published on Codeplex. The topic? Build and versioning guidance, from Microsoft’s ALM Rangers group. The guides are broken down into a number of PDF files. In the main documentation archive (which you can download from Codeplex) are a number of files: […]
There’s been a bit of slowdown in composing some new articles for the site.. despite the seriously large number of things to write about. This year has seen SQL Server 2012 go RTM, and the early pre-release candidates for both Windows 8 and Windows 8 Server. On the agenda are […]
Quest Mode = On Today is April 1st, and (as always) it is April Fool’s Day. Google unleashed an awesome “Quest” mode on Google Maps, and for those who grew up in the 1980s this will appear quite familiar. King’s Quest time anyone?? I’ve lifted some screenshots of some interesting […]