* Red Hot Chili Peppers: In Concert * Kicking off today’s blog post: Red Hot Chili Peppers – April 17th and 19th. Acer Arena, Sydney Olympic Park, Homebush Bay, NSW, Australia, Planet Earth, Milky Way. This is the first time I’ve been to the same concert for two different […]
39 posts
My, my, my.. There are a series of movie trailers over at IMDB which are worth looking at. Transformers (a Michael Bay film) is looking better and better I have to admit. Eerie, actually. Fantastic Four.. jury’s out. Who doesn’t like the Silver Surfer though? Die Hard – […]
Santa was very generous this year and delivered a very nice xbox 360. Now, I had a feeling that this might happen so I went out pre-Christmas and bought some games in anticipation. The older you get the more clairvoyant.. to a point. Starting Games Lineup: Project […]
From the news desk, in case you somehow managed not to hear about it.. Futurama returns for a new season to debut in 2008. Reading an amusing interview with Futurama producer David X Cohen*, I’m particularly interested in the 22 min Hypnotoad episode.. Everyone loves Hypnotoad
What I […]
In Australia we’d probably have a similar range of stickers, but replace ‘Bush’ wih ‘Howard’* Bumper stickers and other political messages recently sighted in US** Is It Vietnam Yet?That’s OK, I Wasn’t Using My Civil Liberties Anyway.Bush. Like a Rock. Only Dumber.Let’s Fix Democracy in This Country First.If You […]
In a recent ‘news’ article, the country Brazil recently applauded (all at once, quite a feat?) when US critics panned a new horror film which depicts US backpackers/tourists being lured into a trap which ends up with their bodily organs being harvested for sale on the black market. Now, I […]
Some say, ‘do it for the kids’. Not a bad idea. So why not bid on this little gem of an auction at eBay.. Reckon it’s worth a few dollars for 6 beers and cheese, plus a hit on the nets. The location is in Canberra, but it’s […]
Less than a week ago, finally on DVD, the Crowded House farewell concert was released. It was worth the wait! The entire concert was re-cut for widescreen viewing, and a brand new DTS audio track was mixed. This, a two disc set, also contains three documentaries including original TV […]
Last night was magnificent. U2 blew Sydney away for the third time, and we were present to witness the awesomeness that is one of the world’s greatest rock bands. They sang the classics; Sunday Bloody Sunday, One, Pride, With or Without You, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m […]