Channel 7 is delay telecasting tonight’s Wallabies vs Springboks instalment of the Tri Nations. Instead of broadcasting live (at 11pm AEST) Channel 7 is instead replaying the game at 2 AM AEST tomorrow. What on earth could they broadcast at 11pm which is better? [Edit] I’m going to edit this […]
Proclamation of Doom
27 posts
It’s time for another Proclamation of Doom.. This time, it’s my fair and well balanced government who are adopting the same puritanical overbearing right wing fundamentalist viewpoints which we have come to know and love from the United States government: the systematic removal of a democratic society’s right to privacy. […]
So, I was going over some old emails and trying to catch up on my learning (I’m currently doing some Professional Development) and I came across this interesting tidbit. Seems that managed C++ will be dropped from the Microsoft certification program. This is probably fine with me, I don’t know […]
You read it here first. Foxtel (Australia) unveiled a new customer support system which simultaneously kicked subscribers off the Foxtel network. Placing a call to the customer support centre on 131 999 simply gave you the usual set of menus until you reached a recording which told you to call […]
Well, I just had a fun experience. Here I was searching the Internet, chatting to a few colleagues when suddenly all hell breaks loose with my laptop’s CPU. So, naturally I’m concerned because I’m not doing anything that should be CPU intensive, so I fire up ye olde Task Manager. […]
So this week I’m concerned with what has become of Australia as APEC gets underway at the Opera House, in Sydney. But first: on Saturday night I went and saw the third Bourne movie, the Bourne Ultimatum. Now, why is it that when someone has a cold, they decide, […]
Hotmail: celebrating circa 12 years of account ownership.. See attached image – looks like I’ve had a hotmail account since January 1995. In reality it is closer to September or so, but a nice touch in live mail is to show the length of time the account’s been active […]
Hi all, So recently I’ve come to the conclusion that Vista and Flash aren’t a match made in heaven. If you’ve got or used Vista, you may be aware that most flash powered sites don’t detect your flash version on Vista (for whatever reason) even though it’s […]
As if international isn’t tough enough already with security smack downs and passengers being treated as potential t3rrorists, Qantas has been found to be doing the dirty on its own customers. On the one hand, you could get a horny stewardess (so that’s a plus) but hardly […]
For most Australians, free-to-air TV is both the bane of our existence and a right (such as breathing). The former annoys us to no end, but without the latter we’d be extremely annoyed. Presently there is some contraversy about Free-To-Air having the broadcast rights to live sporting events, and […]
Interesting article on "Popular Mechanics" recently: In case you skipped reading the whole (or part) of the article, the basic concern is that in the future society may lack the information necessary to un-archive information from the present time. This is partly due to the proprietary formats in […]
In a move which represents Telstra ongoing commitment to keep Australian consumers in the technology dark ages, today it was revealed that Telstra will only enable ADSL2+ in telephone exchanges where a competitor already supplies a rival ADSL2 service. From ‘The Australian’ news article today: The technology, which Telstra claims will […]