The persistence of time can be easily summarised as such: Read (the past), Read/Write (the present) and Write (the future). Since we have no proof to oppose this statement, we can say that the past is "read only", in essence, it can’t be changed. What is done is done. […]
Monthly archives: November 2006
21 posts
Some say, ‘do it for the kids’. Not a bad idea. So why not bid on this little gem of an auction at eBay.. Reckon it’s worth a few dollars for 6 beers and cheese, plus a hit on the nets. The location is in Canberra, but it’s […]
Reading over at slashdot yesterday I couldn’t help but stumble onto this little gem from way over yonder (the UK, where they must be sick of watching the Ashes highlights). Evidently, I am not alone in being critical of the ever-extending copyright laws, and in the UK they’ve all […]
Wow. The Wallabies beat a team they should have. Let us rejoice. It’s really quite funny. We had our air conditioning fixed last week, and the repairman (Ray) and I started talking Union. He asked me who I’d rate at what position in the current team. Irony? The team that […]
Less than a week ago, finally on DVD, the Crowded House farewell concert was released. It was worth the wait! The entire concert was re-cut for widescreen viewing, and a brand new DTS audio track was mixed. This, a two disc set, also contains three documentaries including original TV […]
Okay, so I had some amusing conversations about my post on copyright laws; but first.. One of the main bits of feedback I received was that if I write about more controversial topics I might gain a greater reader following. To heck with that, I’m still gonna write about inane […]
Here are two recent photos I’ve taken. The first is of the historic Queen Victoria Building in the city. We stopped here a little while ago and had coffee and snacks with friends (Trish, Paul and Uzuri) after dining at the David Jones Food Hall on Market Street. […]
Windows Mobile Device Center (Beta 3 Release) for Windows Vista RC1 This is also under a new category, Mobility Musings (I get bored, so I invent categories, can you blame me?). It’s my understanding that Windows Vista is supposed to allow synchronization ‘out-of-the-box’* with Windows Mobile devices, but I waited until after […]
Welcome to the first publication under the category "Free Stuff". I’ve created this category as a way to publish information about, you guessed it, stuff that is free. Occasionally I run into various websites or information about free content, so I’ll post it up here. So, in that […]
Interesting article on "Popular Mechanics" recently: In case you skipped reading the whole (or part) of the article, the basic concern is that in the future society may lack the information necessary to un-archive information from the present time. This is partly due to the proprietary formats in […]
..from Vista Help: What is User Account Control? User Account Control (UAC) is a feature in Windows that can help prevent unauthorized changes to your computer. UAC does this by asking you for permission or an administrator password before performing actions that could potentially affect your computer’s operation or […]
I’m rather enamoured with all things rustic and/or antique. You might have guessed based on my first post on this blog. My original tendency in high school and college was towards all things Historical (ancient, medieval, pre-industrial and modern), so it’s not a total surprise that I have a […]
Wallabies ‘Thrashed’ in Ireland this morning;,8659,20787698-23217,00.html I *didn’t* stay up to watch this monstrocity (for a change) and it was probably a very good thing I didn’t. Match report doesn’t do much but to sing praise to Ireland. At least Australia managed 6 points.. Can’t say […]
MS Labs is a research arm of Microsoft. They’ve released a tech preview of some pretty exciting technology: It’s pretty impressive stuff.. recommended for viewing on a broadband (fast) connection, for optimum viewing. You need to be running on Windows XP or Vista (though it will run on […]
In a move which represents Telstra ongoing commitment to keep Australian consumers in the technology dark ages, today it was revealed that Telstra will only enable ADSL2+ in telephone exchanges where a competitor already supplies a rival ADSL2 service. From ‘The Australian’ news article today: The technology, which Telstra claims will […]