Well, hi all. This is the first of a new brand of Tech posts. I’ll be attempting to walk through steps to creating some projects for various nefarious uses. This Mini Project focuses on re-using Media Player by hosting the WMP COM Control in a .Net Framework WinForms application. Overview […]
Monthly archives: August 2007
14 posts
From the good people at Ars Technica comes this weeks’ bogus US legal ruling, which originated from a court case pitting the Motion Picture (MPAA) against well known BitTorrent site, TorrentSpy.com which is based in Europe: "Judge Cooper took issue with TorrentSpy’s argument that data in RAM is not […]
Hi Readers, This week I am on assignment in Melbourne helping out the team here with some requirement and architecture analysis. Internet access was down for a time, so I was unable to post any updates. This has now changed. I was going to do a series this week in […]
Game Platform: Xbox 360 @ 1080p w/h surround sound Well, the movie was pretty good so I figured it was worth the risk to see if the game followed suit.Wrong. For a "top shelf" game, I can’t see it avoiding the bargain bin for long. Certainly after the movie […]
G’day. So yesterday I tore out some more hair trying to duel with Subversion (SVN). I’m not using the Ankh Visual Studio plugin (as yet). What ended up happening was that somehow SVN got the idea that I wanted to delete a Web.config file. Somehow it got committed, and […]
OK, enough tech stuff.. time for a sports post. Paul, Joseph.. Skip this entry 🙂 I noticed on the stats page that someone landed on this blog with a search query of "NFL on Foxtel". Thus, this post.. Today I started watching Denver vs San Francisco since ESPN is covering […]
Some good news for a change! A court decision has backed Sydney startup company IceTV over Channel 9 in a case to determine whether IceTV’s electronic program guide is in violation of Nine’s copyright to their scheduling, the merit of the case precariously balanced on IceTV’s guide being similar to Nine’s. […]
Hi All. Day three (or, the last day) of Tech Ed follows on from last night’s wrap party. Many folks are flying out tonight, thus the timing of the party which was held at MovieWorld. In a interesting move, the evening at Movieworld was SciFi themed, which does little to […]
Hiya.. Continuing the normal level of delicious indelicacy comes the ongoing post series, TechEd 2007, from yours truly. I’ll be continually updating this blog post throughout the day so check back. There has been one session already this morning, but in deference to providing a healthy start to […]
OK, so probably half the readership of this blog is already in the Gold Coast for the annual Microsoft TechEd. I’m writing this entry on the floor (not literally) of the Exhibition hall at Tech Ed. We arrived around midday and caught some of the afternoon sessions. It is […]
From the great Win32 API in the sky comes an introduction to Windows Event Hooks. One of my favourite debuggiong techniques (from the old, unmanaged code days) was subclassing other Windows’ windows. Now there are some obvious ways to protect your code from unwanted processing attention. This all […]
Calling out to all IT professionals who are going to TechEd this week! Is anyone up to drinks and dinner on Wednesday night in Surfer’s Paradise? This seems to be a good night since everyone’s in town, and there doesn’t appear to be much *officially* on that night. I’m […]
Who is going to Tech Ed 2007 in the Gold Coast? Next week (for me) starting on Wednesday, Tech Ed kicks off in style and I’ll be there with the usual suspects. Looking forward to Luke Drumm’s presentation on the XNA studio and Xbox game development. Rocky Heckman is delivering a […]
So we came across an old problem today which I couldn’t immediately remember the solution to. As a result, I figured I will blog about it. it’ll make it easier to come back across later when the same problem comes up again! The first time around, I managed to […]