In what probably was only a matter of time, hackers in the US and Europe have apparently found a way to hack a known weakness in the (1) MD5 algorithm (using a known (2) MD5 collision construction found a while ago) using 200 PlayStation 3 (PS3) consoles and a few […]
Monthly archives: December 2008
18 posts
For the record, nothing is more obtrusive than when you are a tenant and your privacy is exposed through the harsh reality of a landlord selling the property. We are faced with the trouble of defining the dubious distinction of ‘reasonable access’ with the sales agency, dealing with members of […]
Over at MSDN there has been published a (1) fairly comprehensive paper on development under Windows 7. Some particular points of interest/new features include: "Windows 7 is designed to run on the same hardware as Windows Vista, and to be compatible with applications and device drivers that work with Windows […]
G’day Everyone, My wife and I are about to head off into the Christmas holidays with our family and friends. 2008 has been a very challenging and engaging year. From my perspective, it has been a combination of equal highs and lows. This year we relocated from Sydney to Brisbane, […]
Well, it’s been over a month since I registered and I still don’t have an Azure Services token. I’ve had a SQL Data Services token from day 1, but still nothing on the Azure front. It’s kinda getting frustrating, especially since I have an application ready to go. Anyone at […]
Finally BizTalk 2006 R3 *ahem* BizTalk 2009 has entered public beta. This means you can take an early look at the next generation of BizTalk (and, hopefully a new generation of developer tools!). Even with BizTalk 2006 R2, you are required to run Visual Studio 2005! The project is up […]
…I’m waiting at the airport because Virgin Blue decided to cancel my 17:00 flight home. It has been a hectic two days but extremely worthwhile even though I’ve missed the company of my beautiful wife. Luckily I’ll be home soon at any rate. We’ve got a good team assembled in […]
For your viewing pleasure, some aerial pictures of Sydney, NSW, Australia. Our first two pictures are from a northern approach- We can see Manly beach at the bottom of the first shot, with the city and North Sydney towards the top of the picture as well as the Sydney Harbour […]
Well folks, we’re not far from Christmas day once again. The scary part this year is the realisation that next month marks the beginning of 2009 – in other words, the decade is almost over already. As a result, it’s actually not a bad time to start thinking ahead to […]
This is not part of the ongoing series of articles on SQL Data Services, but rather a call out to a Microsoft White Paper which has been published (a) here – SQL Server White Paper Template. I’d recommend, if you are interested in SQL Data Services, that you take a […]
Officially, Brisbane is enduring yet another summertime thunderstorm – yes, right now (well, when I wrote this entry at any rate).When the rest of the country (or, if you prefer, the world) sees this information it’s very likely they see this: Courtesy of the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) However, when […]
Hi Everyone, Over the past week I’ve been putting together a new site to practice honing those ASP/.Net 3.5 Skills. It’s a revamp of the Aussie Wine Guy web site, and I’ve chosen Viux [] as the host provider for the new site. The pricing is pretty good, and I’ve […]
Here’s some helpful information for those of you out there who are trying to make the call between using SQL Server Compact Edition or SQL Server Express Edition. Compare SQL Server 3.5 Compact and SQL Server Express Edition Features [] My short summary asks you to determine if any of these […]
Hi, so this is the next logical sequence in my series on the ADO Entity Framework. If you read the previous article/entry you would be familiar with the replacement of ugly foreign key data with nice friendly text (or whatever). This time, we’re going to look at how you can […]
I’ve previously voiced my opposition to the stupendously idiotic (which you can really only expect from a Labor Government) idea of a national firewall/content filtering system which would make our national Internet backbone even slower than it already (unacceptably) is. The Electronic Freedom Project and Digital Liberty Coalition have organised […]